Independent Living vs Supported Living

To request an information kit about Lasell Village, please call (617) 663-7044.

When residents move into Lasell Village, they move into independent living. But as a continuing care retirement community (CCRC), we also offer supported living and skilled nursing.


Independent Living At Lasell Village
We have 182 apartments, with options for 1-bedroom apartments and 2-bedroom apartments. All of the residences have full-size kitchens, as well as washers and dryers in the unit. Some apartments also have patios or balconies.

Independent living includes:

  • a meal plan
  • housekeeping
  • amenities (fitness center, heated indoor pool, weather-free walkways, and more)
  • activities
  • transportation
  • lifelong learning opportunities

Residents in independent living also receive up to 60 hours of care per year (from our on-site wellness center) and can also pay for additional hours as needed. The hours can be used for medication organization and reminders, health assessments, assistance with showering and dressing, help with support hose, and more.

Supported Living – Lasell Studios
In Lasell Studios, we offer a supported living environment for residents who need more help.

Supported living at Lasell Studios includes:

  • assistance with daily living
  • 24-hour supervision
  • three meals per day
  • social, recreational, and learning activities
  • access to Lasell Village educational classes, activities, events, and programs
  • care provided by Certified Nursing Assistants, who are supervised by Licensed Nurses

Skilled Nursing – Lasell House
We also have a 38-bed skilled nursing facility, Lasell House, where residents can receive rehab services and skilled nursing care.

Skilled nursing care at Lasell house includes:

For more information about Lasell Village, or to request an information kit, please call (617) 663-7044.

Please note: Lasell Village is located just 11 miles from downtown Boston, in Newton, Massachusetts. A pet friendly retirement community, we welcome dogs and cats.

“My mother was a resident of Lasell Village for 13 years. My husband and I spent many hours at the facility during that time and we were always delighted by the facility. The meals were extremely well cooked, with a wonderful menu from which to choose. The apartment was lovely, the rooms were spacious, and the windows allowed lots of light and nice views. The staff were always courteous and responsive There was always so much to do. Mother particularly loved working on her garden and taking classes at Lasell University. The swimming pool delighted her, as well as the scenic settings for her daily walks. Many family members often visited her there and were as impressed as we were by this wonderful alternative living facility. We highly recommend it.”

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